Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Command Line Arguments

Argument Description
--ShowResults Display the Results dialog after a successful database login. Mutually exclusive with the – ShowCreateTask and –TaskFile switches.
--ShowCreateTask Display the Create Task dialog after a successful database login. Mutually exclusive with the – ShowResults and –TaskFile switches.
--TaskFile=<FileName> The name of a task file created by the CreateTask window. This switch will process the task file after a successful database connection and display the results window. Mutually exclusive with the –ShowCreateTask and –ShowResults switches.
--NumNodesPerInstance=<Integer> The number nodes to process per MicroStation session. The default is 5.
--Username=<username> The username to use when logging into the database.
--Password=<password> The password to use when logging into the database.
--Project=<project> The project name to use when logging into the database.